No Education No Life

Education is for Everyone in the World, of any ages regardless cultures, religions, race, ethnicity ,languages or nationality. Because we know that‘’ No Education No Life’’,

Health Care, Protection and Humanitarian Aid.

Reach and assist the children with disabilities and traumatized in developing

Treating wastewater sustainably

After people use water it must be treated before it returns to natural waterways... Currently, more than 80% of the wastewater produced globally is discharged back into rivers and seas without any treatment, so there is plenty of opportunity to make this part of the water cycle more efficient and sustainable




Principal’s message for visitors

Dear Friends, Partners, Members, Investors, Donors from all the World. I am honored and humbled to be the President of Reach Unreached Millions Worldwide (R.U.M.W) for the next five coming years. I am excited to step into the role as President to foster the growth and development of this organization. In fact, Reach Unreached Millions Worldwide was established since 2010 with the Headquarters in Finland North Europe, working not only in Finland but in EU countries. Now it has a branches offices in East Africa Countries, where are operating different projects developments. I have served with dedicated and intelligent men and women, who truly prioritize the importance of supporting, educating and highlighting the remarkable women, men and young people in the communities. ...  Read More

Rvd Joseph Cimpaye President and CEO




fooods security & nutrition, agriculture farm , education youths women leadership training empowerment, capacity building and peace conflicts resolution,local transportation for communities,private companies investment deveelopment,wind solar energy,local business youths gils enterprenership ,innovation science technology ict and government and private development projects.

Through long-term Investments in agriculture Farm, food and nutrition security, our projects create employments opportunities, generate incomes, and reduce rural poverty. To raise Agriculture output through improved irrigation, water management, farm mechanization, and adoption of agriculture farm production technology. The project supports the government's efforts to reduce rural poverty and high levels of malnutrition through climate smart agriculture productivity enhancements for food and nutrition security and to increase farmers’ access to local and export markets, particularly for key high-value crops. It addresses the interconnected problems that farmers and rural households face through a set of integrated, consolidated, area-specific interventions that respond to local constraints, potential, and priorities. The project also supports productivity enhancement of food crops such as rice, maize, potato, vegetables, and pulses and possibly of quinoa, citrus, apples, potatoes, and high-value crops (e.g., spices, especially large cardamom and ginger). Key activities include strengthening producers’ groups; developing irrigation, including on-farm sprinkler and drip systems; providing improved Agri-inputs and farm equipment; and supporting home-grown school feeding programs.

Today, many people communities in many different countries especially in developing countries are of clean safe water. As we know safe water is life for everyone, every nations, today’s it’s no longer enough for water treatment plants to meet minimum health and safety requirements for drinking water and wastewater quality. To be truly sustainable, utilities must consider their carbon footprint, impact on the environment and increasing access to underserved communities. Choosing the right water treatment solutions plays a key role in this. General, water treatment methods can be separated into physical, biological, chemical, and physic-chemical methods. Physical methods are separation of solid impurities and coarse and fine particles from water using techniques such as screening, filtration, centrifugation, flotation, and membrane technologies. Biological methods are based on microorganisms that consume the pollutants in the water in order to maintain their vital activity. Chemical treatment implies conducting chemical reactions with pollutants – for example oxidation, reduction, or precipitation – to achieve the desired effect. Treating wastewater sustainably After people use water it must be treated before it returns to natural waterways. Currently, more than 80% of the wastewater produced globally is discharged back into rivers and seas without any treatment, so there is plenty of opportunity to make this part of the water cycle more efficient and sustainable.

The Science Technology Modernization is most important and need worldwide, because the world of today is leading by Technology. Technology is changing the way people do business. Evergreen Courier is answering the call for more security and more modernization. The modern approach to Merchant - Client interaction is the future of delivery services The Technology Modernization Practice was formed with the current informational technology trends in mind. Our approach to Technology Modernization is holistic: we apply systems thinking Practices, ensuring that business goals, processes, requirements, limitation of legacy systems, and total cost of ownership are central to migrating, evolving, and modernizing an infrastructure and software assets. Technology Modernization Practice helps our clients navigate continuous change through a set of tested, secure, and performance-enhancing solutions. Our mission/vision 2030 is simple: to develop insightful business solutions, help our clients make powerful future decisions to keep them well ahead of the game which is the market, and leave a mark across businesses and communities through our well-defined ideas and clear cut forecasts. Backed up by reliable research and impactful statistics, our business solutions empower our clients to grow at a fast pace despite unsettling fluctuations in the market. Implementation of cloud computing in education system allows the proficient management of business processes and effective knowledge delivery to students, overall enhancing education quality.

Reimagine the public transit business model, deploying a surgical focus on user experience with increased operational and capital efficiency. “We have to redesign our business model to make our industry sustainable from an economical and financial point of view—through a more flexible and personalized offer to improve the efficiency of our operative processes and through technological innovation in order to make the use of passenger transit more attractive and effective. At this time, it is the essence to reset public transit for the post pandemic future. As pandemic restrictions are beginning to ease, transport should expect a bias for the use of individual mobility solutions. Winning customers back, ensuring prudent use of stimulus funds earmarked for transit-infrastructure projects, and shaping collaborations with new mobility modes should be top priorities for public transit over the next six to 2 years to ensure the successful future for public transit.

The International Companies Organizations has a great role for Infrasctrures Investment development especially in developing countries. Shifts in digitization, industrialization, and consolidation are transforming the industry, requiring a renewed focus on leadership, culture, organizational structure, and talent. Infrastructure leaders are acutely aware that delivering and operating the projects of the future requires developing a workforce with skills and capabilities that are up for the jobs employments The private and public companies Infrasctrures constructions development shall make good great changes around the world. The new future generations shall enjoy the safe and beautiful world without violence and poverty.

Education and Leadership Training for Sustainable Development (ELTSD) empowers learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to address the interconnected global challenges we are facing, including climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, poverty and inequality. Education is for Everyone in the World, of any ages regardless cultures, religions, race, ethnicity ,languages or nationality. Because we know that ‘’ No Education No Life’’, We are reaching and educating people in different small towns villages where are may people communities who had never attended any school, especially young girls/ boys and women in developing countries of Africa. Learning must prepare students and learners of all ages to find solutions for the challenges of today and the future. Education should be transformative and allow us to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change our societies and care for the planet.


The Knowledge and information have significant impact on people’s lives. The sharing of knowledge and skills information, particularly through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has the power to transform economies and societies. Reach Unreached Millions Worldwide works to create inclusive knowledge into the societies just to empower local communities by increasing access to and preservation and sharing of information and knowledge. Knowledge societies must build on four pillars: freedom of expression; universal access to information and knowledge; respect for cultural and linguistic diversity; and quality education for all people around the Globe.

Reach Unreached Millions Worldwide aiming to have improved the lives of millions of children through preventative and remedial child protection measures. In the initial stage of our Child Protection Initiative, we will be focusing on two priority areas:
• Children without appropriate care: Including neglected and/or abused children in their families, children in institutions or other forms of alternative care, and children on the move, including child refugees, child migrants, Street Children, orphans, Unaccompanied and trafficked children. Their lives’ results are to smocking marijuana, Alcohol and been traumatized ect... • Child protection in emergencies, including sexual violence, children associated with armed forces and groups, and family separation. In 2012, child labor is likely to become a third priority area. Measures and structures to prevent and respond to abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination and violence affecting children.
Children without appropriate Care: Children who are not receiving suitable, continuous and quality care, nurture and guidance at a physical, emotional, social and psychological level from either their families or from other primary carriers that are meant to replace the family environment and are responsible for their well being and development. Children on the move :
Children moving for a variety of reasons, voluntarily or involuntarily, within or between countries, with or without their parents or other primary caregivers, and whose movement might place them at risk (or at an increased risk) of inadequate care, economic or sexual exploitation, abuse, neglect and violence Child protection in emergencies: The prevention of and response to abuse, neglect, exploitation of and violence against children in emergencies.
1 An emergency is defined as ‘a situation where lives, physical and mental wellbeing, or development opportunities for children are threatened as a result of armed conflict, disaster or the breakdown of social or legal order, and where local capacity to cope is exceeded or inadequate. Children have an absolute right to be safe. Yet young girls and boys in every country, in every culture and at every social level face forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence.
2 These violations include sexual exploitation and abuse, trafficking, physical and humiliating punishment, harmful traditional practices (including early marriage and female genital mutilation/cutting) and recruitment into armed forces and groups. But all adults share a responsibility to do so. Parents are primarily responsible for the upbringing and development of their children and, together with their family and community, have a key role to play in protecting them.

Generally, children are best cared for by their families or in family-based settings in their community.. This includes projects for children whose parents/family are either deceased, chronically ill, incapacitated, or unable or unwilling to care for their children because of poverty or discrimination, as well as children with disabilities, who separated from their parents and family for other reasons. We have a different groups of Children such as: Orphans, Street, with disabilities,……..

Generally, children are best cared for by their families or in family-based settings in their community.. This includes projects for children whose parents/family are either deceased, chronically ill, incapacitated, or unable or unwilling to care for their children because of poverty or discrimination, as well as children with disabilities, who separated from their parents and family for other reasons. We have a different groups of Children such as: Orphans, Street, with disabilities.

The world is in need of enough Power Renewable Energy Technology (PRET)Renewable Power energy technologies (RES) are getting ever more advanced with big tech companies in the different countries worldwide trying to outdo themselves and demonstrate the innovative potential of these new technologies from replenishable sources. We’ve seen developments in this year that’ll likely drive growth in the power solar renewable energy sector in the future coming years.

Every year, we have a great conference, Events, Training Seminars for local and International leaders from different countries, groups, communities. Our programs increase incomes and support local economies through assisting in the development of micro, small and medium-size enterprises; strengthening household resiliency; fostering private sector-driven workforce development; creating expanded access to financial services; and supporting local governments in creating business enabling environments—being especially mindful of the needs of youths, women and marginalized groups. We are using a systems-based approach that relies on comprehensive analysis, local capacity building, market facilitation, and sustainable solutions identified and implemented in collaboration with the private sector, local governments, institutions and other partners.

The Interfaith Partnership Alliance IPA for Safer Communities are to teach, train, empower, mobilize faith leaders to work for the safety and security of the communities, tackling issues such as child sexual abuse, Violence, extremism, radicalization, racism, discriminations and human trafficking. Interfaith Partnership Alliance is very important because the faith and spiritual traditions have played an important role in the lives of people across the world. Faith traditions and sacred texts have provided a moral framework on how people should act, speak and make decisions in their daily lives. Faith networks also have a wide reach, with religious centers (including temples and churches) present across the world, from the largest cities to the remotest villages. Consequently, faith leaders are in a unique position to promote behavioral change through both teachings, preaching the gospel and actions. We aim to facilitate the building of bridges between key stakeholders including faiths communities, NGOs , faith based charities, Institutions and experts in various domains. We are conscious of the importance of empowering faith leaders, both at the institutional and grass-root levels, with knowledge, and to mobilize them to play a more active role in communities safety.
Inter-Faith Religions matters to people, and matters to communities developments. In many parts of the world, faith-based organizations (FBOs) and religious leaders (RLs) are influential in both the political and social spheres, and have a broad following in society. Their presence in the local communities, coupled with their capacity to deliver critical services, allow them to mobilize grassroots support, earn the trust of vulnerable groups, and influence cultural norms – all of which make them vital stakeholders in development. With their involvement in local communities and their standing as moral leaders, many FBOs and RLs are recommended to respect the local and high national authorities, which can make them valuable peace mediators in tense environments. Working with FBOs and RLs is especially crucial in areas where governance structures are weak and fail to ensure human rights and administer basic services, including in relation to protection, justice, health and education. we engages with FBOs and RLs in many areas including a sustainable development, conflict prevention, peace building, poverty reduction, combating COVID19, HIV and AIDS, and promoting women’s and Children’s rights and gender equality worldwide especially in developing countries.

A good life without sickness is for everyone, reduce global inequality. The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the breadth of social and economic inequalities that exist in global health. There are many different dangerous diseases which kill many people such as : Covid19, Cholera, Malaria, Cancer, Diabetes and other many….we work in partnership with other Organizations, Charities, Companies in order fight against the disease an reduce the mortality.
Together we shall strongly fight and overcome the chronic diseases pandemic . The world’s most marginalized communities had the highest mortality and infection rates , while those who were already living in conflict and crisis have been pushed deeper into poverty. We are looking for other Organizations, Charities Companies to working together for strongly fighting against Diseases, Hunger , Ignorance and Poverty around the Globe especially in developing countries

Reach Unreached Millions Worldwide is an International Organization Registered based in Finland North Europe ‘’ Headquarters’’ and operating a community projects development especially in developing countries of Africa. We are excited to work in partnership with other Organizations, Private and Public Busines Companies, charitable Organizations, Microfinances Institutions, Local Community Associations, Cooperatives, Churches/Ministries, Universities/colleges students Campuses and others who has… the same vision to reach assist and save the Unreached Millions people around the World who are suffering from Diseases, Ignorance, Hunger and Poverty which surrounding many people Worldwide.

Workforce and Entrepreneurship Development Young people in the small towns and local villages. We work with the private sector to customize technical training programs, provide soft skills and entrepreneurship training, and place trained youths Students Universities/Colleges in internships and apprenticeships for on-the-job learning and skills development. Through linking private sector firms, training providers, government and vulnerable Youths Women Girls in a collaborative action approach, we foster systemic change in the transition of disadvantaged youth to sustainable livelihoods by improving the alignment between the demand for and supply of skills in the marketplace. We promote cooperative enterprises by taking a comprehensive approach to supporting the cooperative sector in each country. Our programming works to promote cooperatives through all channels such as building capacity primary cooperatives, supporting apex organizations to strengthen their operations, fostering growth through new partnerships, engaging in policy development and collaborating with Universities on research initiatives to foster academic engagement in the sector. As a technical program we promote the independent transfer of skills among cooperative members and build the capacity of local government cooperative extension agents to continue to replicate good practices beyond the life of programming.

The Climate Partnership Network CCPN is an on-going community of practice aimed at helping countries produce, translate, transfer, and use climate knowledge and information to improve planning, policies, and other decisions that address climate impacts. The partnership network includes climate information users, providers, donors, researchers… Many Countries around the globe are contending with a wide range of climate impacts, from more intense heat waves, droughts, storms, and floods, to slower-moving changes like sea level rise and ocean acidification. Climate variability and trends have profound impacts across sectors that undermine current and future progress towards development goals, such as food security, improved health and biodiversity, and economic growth. Solutions to food security challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) should consider the complex interrelationships of value chains, social and gender dynamics, and enabling environment factors: detailing post-harvest inefficiencies and improving the nexus between agriculture and energy systems that link farms to consumers. The need for reliable distribution, storage, and processing facilities is creating new energy markets within agricultural value chains and food systems. Working and supporting developing countries to enhance climate resilience of developing country populations, assets, and livelihoods through technical assistance, thought leadership, capacity building, tools, local governments, and local community’s development. Climate change and population growth are increasing concerns for global food security. This is especially urgent for the poorest and most vulnerable farmers, who already struggle to produce enough food assistance for poor communities.


Rvd Joseph Cimpaye

President and CEO
















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